作为欧洲第二大太阳能和风能生产国, 西班牙 is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and drastically increasing its production of renewable energy by 2030.

This strategy is reinforced by 西班牙’s favorable climate and infrastructure conditions as well as national and international investments funds being allocated to successfully reach 西班牙’s climate neutrality goal, 比如国家恢复和恢复计划(nrp). Offshore wind investments are currently prioritized together with technical investments for photovoltaic cells and modules, 绿色的氢, 以及用于储能的阴极的制造.

This situation presents an opportunity for collaboration between Swedish companies and strategic public and private projects in 西班牙. 日博备用网站可以提供工程方面的专业知识和资源, 材料, 组件, 以及可再生能源和电网发展的专业知识, 哪些可以为西班牙的绿色能源转型做出重大贡献.

日博备用网站商业 can help Swedish companies capture market potential in 西班牙’s energy market, 通过提供战略性建议, 利益相关方参与, 销售执行, 以及运营支持. 商业日博备用网站将缩短上市时间, 寻找新的收入来源, 降低国际投资风险.



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